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Mouth & Teeth Mouth & Teeth
The NUK Guide on the healthy This brochure is the fourth The NUK Guide on the
development of teeth, mouth and publication in the NUK Library Series
healthy development of teeth,
jaw was produced in collaboration and contains valuable information
with Dr. med. dent. Hubertus on the following topics: mouth and jaw in collaboration
von Treuenfels, Doctor of Dental • Significance of healthy
with Dr. med. dent.
Medicine,Orthodontic Practitioner, oral development
Eutin, Germany. • Dental care during pregnancy Hubertus von Treuenfels
• Growth of upper and lower jaw
and milk teeth
• Significance of the oral functions,
including breathing and speaking
• Tips on dental care, the first visit to
the dentist and much more
12.04.2011 9:56:04 Uhr
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